Members must follow / observe the terms of Rule 25 (Additional Premium). An Insured Owner is required to give the Association written notice before an Entered Ship proceeds to an AP Area. If notice is not given as required, the Entered Ship has no cover while in the AP Area.

Contact the Managers

With effect from 00.01 hrs. GMT on 15 May 2021, the parameters of this AP Area are as follows:

Persian or Arabian Gulf and adjacent waters including the Gulf of Oman and waters west of the
line from Oman’s territorial limit off Cape al-Ḥadd at 22°42.5'N, 59°54.5'E northeast to the
Iran-Pakistan border at 25°10.5'N, 61°37.5'E excepting coastal waters of adjoining territories
up to 12 nautical miles offshore unless otherwise provided.

Please see Circular C1-2021 and our AP Area Map for further guidance.

The ports, places, countries, zones and areas listed shall include all harbours, offshore installations and terminals unless otherwise stated.

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