The port of Aden, Yemen, has closed today, 26 March 2015, amid heavy fighting between Houthi rebels and pro-government forces.
Nigerian authorities plan to close the country's land and sea borders from 0000 LT, 25th March 2015
The Nigerian Federal Government has made clear it will not hesitate to detain any ship entering the country's territorial and coastal waters with security escorts on board, whether armed or unarmed. Members should be aware that the detention of a ship by Nigerian authorities may be excluded from cover; for example by Rule 3.5: Exclusion of claims arising out of criminal and other proceedings.
Press reports have quoted the commander of the Libyan Air Force, Brigadier Saqr Al-Jaroushi, as saying "any vessel or cargo ship approaching the port of Misrata would be targeted directly and immediately" as of Friday 9 January.
We are writing to advise Members that the Association’s cover for losses caused by Computer Viruses is to be enhanced for the 2015 Policy Year.
Download our Rules for the 2015 Policy Year.
The Directors have agreed that the gross rates of Annual Premium charged for 2014 (as set out in Circular C3/2013 dated 29 November 2013) will be reduced by 20% for the 2015 Policy Year.
We are writing to advise Members of the rates which will be charged and the terms and conditions of cover which will apply for the Association's 2015 Policy Year.
Maritime industry releases updated anti-piracy guidelines for the Gulf of Guinea region
Please contact the Managers who would be happy to provide you with a hard copy of the AP Area Map.
Displaying results 121 to 130 out of 151