We are writing to remind Members of the Registered Office and Business Address of the Association.
The US Government and the EU Council have announced that the suspension of certain Iran sanctions which ran from 20 January 2014 to 20 July 2014 is being extended for four months to 24 November 2014.
Download the Rules for the 2014 Policy Year.
The Directors have agreed that the gross rates of Annual Premium originally charged for 2013 (as set out in Circular C3/2012 dated 3 December 2012) will be reduced by 45% for the 2014 Policy Year.
We are writing to advise Members of the rates which will be charged and the terms and conditions of cover which will apply for the Association's 2014 Policy Year.
Togo added, Balikpapan and Sumatera removed, Gulf of Guinea amended.
The Association has made some alterations to its existing Additional Premium (AP) Areas.
At their meeting on 20 May, the Board of Directors decided that the second instalment of the Advance Contribution for 2013, covering the period from 1 July 2013 to 31 December 2013, should be waived.
We are writing to advise Members of the decision of the Board of Directors to waive the second instalment of the Advance Contribution for the Association's 2013 Policy Year.
Members may be aware of recent press articles concerning a financial restructuring of the Hellenic Mutual Hull Club. The Managers would like to remind Members that the Association has no connection with the Hellenic Mutual Hull Club.
Displaying results 131 to 140 out of 151