Due to significantly increased security concerns in the Gulf of Guinea region and following the number of ships seized by pirates.
The Directors have agreed a 10% reduction on Annual Premiums for the 2013 policy year. The Directors' decision, taken at their meeting on 26 November.
The Association has made an alteration to its existing list of Additional Premium Areas.
The Association has made some alterations to its existing Additional Premium (AP) Areas.
The Directors have decided that Members will pay 5% less for their annual war risks cover in 2012. The Directors' decision, taken at their meeting on 28 November.
Best Management Practices ("BMP") to Deter Piracy were first issued in February 2009, with support from across the shipping and insurance industries.
Circular C2/2011 explains the broadening of the Association's war loss of hire cover, which now responds to claims where a ship is seized whilst not earning hire, or is on a voyage charter.
The Club has made some alterations to its existing Additional Premium Areas.
The Association has published the 2011 Rule Book. We draw Members' attention to the change in this year's Rules.
Displaying results 141 to 150 out of 151